Singapore – our first step…

Just arrived at the airport, first job, find a baggage trolley… hold on, am I hearing voices in my head, after all, it was a long flight… Chris, Chris… turned around, Amar, my friend and former colleague is on the other side of the glass, what a great surprise!

So… what sticks in our minds, other than the annoying jet lag, which is certainly affecting Chris, as he keeps falling asleep each afternoon, or is it just his age, (be careful for those already reaching for the comment field).

It is as clean and efficient as we were lead to believe, so clean, there was even a boat on the river picking up leaves which had the temerity to fall in. Shopping malls, everywhere, within a stones throw of the hotel there are four, and Deb can’t throw that far. The amazing diversity of cultures, and seemingly their ability to be able to live harmoniously side by side.

Gardens by the Bay, this deserves a paragraph of its own… and a couple of photos below… Two massive biodomes, one with plants from each of the floral kingdoms, and the other, creating a cloud forest environment based around a waterfall at least 35m high. Then, a park of super trees, cleverly disguising the exhausts for the bio -mass steam turbines, the evening light show, with plenty of Pavarotti was spectacular.

Very few cars on the road, at least in comparison with the U.K., New York, Bratislava… take your pick. Obviously the 100% import duty is working, and the superb metro and bus system means you have no need to use them, even if you could afford one.

You do need eyes in the back of your head, electric scooters, silent and deadly… they clearly believe the pavement, (side walk for those in the US), is their territory and pedestrians are simply moving slalom poles.

We tried to find where Deb and her family lived when they were here in the 60’s… well, we found the piece of land, but there are now three 25 story apartment buildings there. The whole area looks like it has been built in the last five years. Unfortunately impossible for Deb to connect her memories with what now exists.

However, our strongest memory will be the visit to see Amar and Neeti Singh in their apartment. Great to catch up after 18 months, and, as always, wonderful food and great company.

And now… to Melbourne

3 Thoughts to “Singapore – our first step…”

  1. Neeti

    It was great to meet you Chris & Deb. We were equally excited to have u here! Hope to see you soon. Best of luck for the continued adventure. Best wishes, Neeti/Avani/Amar

  2. Jo-Ann

    Looks beautiful there, especially the Gardens!

  3. Lucia M.

    Lovely photos and amazing descriptions of the city! Now I feel like going there too 😀
    Safe travel to Australia xxx

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