Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb ….

Want to have the best ever workout? Try doing this… 1,332 steps or 501 calories. My group of 13 did the twilight climb up the Sydney Harbour Bridge., 3.5 hours. Wow!!! I felt nervous and excited all at the same time. Suited up in a blue two-tone onesie (one size fits all), except mine was for someone 7 feet tall. I did try to roll up the leggings and arms, but someone came to my rescue with a smaller size haha!! Safety is paramount, after a simulated drill, we were all hooked up to do our climb. We started at Bradfield Highway, (you can see and feel the traffic below and the train hurtling above us on another layer – incredibly noisy), head towards the south east pylon via lots of catwalks, ascending 4 steep ladders before you reach the main arch of the bridge.

This is one of the longest bridge climbs in the world at 1149m (3770 feet), the arch between the pylons spans 504m (1654 feet), the height is 134m (440 feet). It was built in the 1920’s and took around 9 years to complete. The views from the top are spectacular. It is a busy harbour, ferries are working in competition with one another, taking numerous passengers on various tours. Sailing vessels of all different shapes and sizes sail in and out – including the huge cruise ships which arrive in the harbour at twilight, gliding out again the following afternoon. This was the perfect evening, only improved if Chris had been there, but no chance of that happening… and to cap it all a beautiful sunset.

Now the return trip, as we make our way across to the other side of the bridge – the light is fading, so equipped with head torches, we make our decent, crisscrossing our way down. The skyscrapers are now all lit up, animals associated with the Chinese New Year are all lit up on the quayside, and the fairground at Luna Park looks amazing, with the rides all different coloured lights – such a magical end to an incredible evening.

Very active harbour

Because we are not allowed to carry anything, all the photos were taken by our guide, and currently sit on a usb stick in my rucksack. I will add them when I get home. In the meantime I have added a view photos that can be associated with the blog.

5 Thoughts to “Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb ….”


    Greetings from Slovakia. Hope you are having a great time down south. Harbour bridge climb as a part of preparation before Aconcagua πŸ™‚

    keep it healthy,


    1. Hi Martin, not sure about Aconcagua… but there some amazing mountains down here…. taking the short cut to Mount Cook tomorrow, helicopter 🚁Chris

  2. Jo-Ann

    So brave Deb! I can just picture you in your onesie enjoying the views. Enjoyed your description of the prep and climb. If I had the chance, I’m not sure if I would be up there with you or on the ground with Chris!

    1. Hi JoAnn, only one sensible place to be… on the ground with me πŸ™‚

  3. Lucia M.

    Well done, Deb!! What an amazing memorable experience πŸ˜€

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