Off we go…

Finally, after all the planning and preparations, we are on our way. Over the next 65 days we will be travelling through Singapore, Melbourne, Tasmania, Sydney and New Zealand.

We will be meeting up with Chris’s family in Tasmania, many of whom he has never met, and we will see if Deb can recall the areas of Singapore she lived in as a child, and also catch up with friends while we are there.

We are looking forward to exploring; the cityscapes, the different cultures, the wildlife and incredible landscapes… this is going to be quite a ride!

Thank you for joining us, we will attempt to make our blogs interesting, informative and occasionally humorous, but please bear with us, this is our first time blogging. Your comments and feedback will be highly appreciated.

Very best wishes, Chris and Deb

6 Thoughts to “Off we go…”

  1. Dinesh

    Thank you for sharing your blog details with us. Enjoy your well earned trip and safe travels. It already sounds very exciting. Exploring many different countries, peoples and cultures will no doubt be an experience and sure make you both even more wiser. Enjoy.

  2. Tony & Julie

    Bon Voyage!

  3. Jo-Ann

    So exciting! Looking forward to reading your adventures!
    Take care and enjoy.

  4. Beth

    Have a wonderful adventure and thanks for allowing us to “tag along”.
    Be safe🤗

  5. Dave Garner

    Have a fabulous time!!!! I am so envious. Can’t wait to hear about all the places you will see. Don’t forget to have a cocktail on top of the Trees by Marina Bay and some chili crab in Singapore :).

  6. Armel

    Wow! Looking forward to the updates!

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